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F I N A L    T H O U G H T

Myles Westman

Stars spend their nights gushing,

I leave them to this

Solitary task in silence.

I watch them in stasis,

Unable to move my

Mouth to speak or tongue

To form a sentence.

I want for gifts in secrecy -

Unlike stars I cannot gush nor run off,

I demand your attention

Without uttering a word.

It’s an impatience

I won’t shake for anyone,

It’s a child knocking at the door

For acknowledgment, a reply.

As for you,

You could have been anyone and

I’d have made you the same;

A thought an image a thought.

Your name I could have spelled

With any letters - any configuration of words

Would read the same,

Would read love love love love.

But my own rearrangements back and forth

Have scattered the phrases,

Torn name from name

And man from man.

I’m left with a few syllables now,

Fragments inevitably falling flat -

I can’t seem to piece them together

But I’m satisfied with that.

It’s not a pin hanging from parted lips

Waiting for kisses, (sword up shield down).

Nor hands clenched between thighs

Still waiting for kisses, (shield up sword gone).

So it could be a long sigh,

Or just a good night’s rest.

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